2. GA4 Custom Events & Definitions
Custom Events in GA4 Admin Dashboard
Navigate to your Admin panel in Google Analytics, select the account and property you want to use when collecting widget events and data, then click the "EVENTS" tab.
In the "EVENTS" tab you will see all current custom events that are being recorded in your GA4 property. You will also be able to create new custom events, which is what we are going to do to collect data from the Engagement Widgets. Click the "Create Event" button as shown in the screenshot below to start creating new GA4 events.
Follow the configuration instructions below to setup your custom Engagement Widget GA4 events:
Custom Event Name - We name the events the same as the Event Values, but you can name the events however you want.
Matching conditions - Create a custom event when another event matches ALL of the following conditions:
Parameter: event_name
Operator: equals
Event Values: (copy exactly as seen below)
Parameter configuration - Copy parameters from the source event (make sure this is checked)
GA4 Custom Definitions for Custom Events
Next you will need to create "Custom Definitions" for your newly created GA4 custom events. In your Admin panel in Google Analytics, make sure you're in the same account and property you just created your custom events in, and then select the "Custom Definitions" tab.
In this tab, you will see all current custom definitions for custom events that are being recorded in your GA4 property. You will also be able to create new custom definitions, which help GA4 identify and categorize your custom events by adding additional data to each event. Click the "Create Custom Definition" button as shown in the screenshot below to start creating new custom definitions for GA4 events.
Follow the configuration instructions below to setup your custom definitions for your GA4 events:
Custom Definitions for Each Widget Event: (copy exactly as seen below)
Dimension Name - Widget Opened Description - Engagement Widget Opened Scope - Event User Property/Parameter - widget_opened
Dimension Name - Widget Closed Description - Engagement Widget Closed Scope - Event User Property/Parameter - widget_closed
Dimension Name - Tool Opened Description - Engagement tool was opened Scope - Event User Property/Parameter - tool_opened
Dimension Name - Tool Closed Description - Engagement Widget Tool Closed Scope - Event User Property/Parameter - tool_closed
Dimension Name - Welcome Message Clicked Description - Visitor clicked a video or engagement tool inside a welcome message Scope - Event User Property/Parameter - welcome_message_clicked
Dimension Name - Welcome Message Closed Description - Single welcome message was closed during a session Scope - Event User Property/Parameter - welcome_message_closed
Dimension Name - All Welcome Messages Closed Description - All active welcome messages were closed during a single session Scope - Event User Property/Parameter - all_welcome_messages_closed
Last updated